Briefly talk about what've happened today.

1. It's damn cold in the mountains.
   To those who are coming,
   It's really really freezing!
   Gotta bring coats if u r coming.

2. I bought a city cup and two city mugs in the Starbucks today.
    Show you guys pics when I get back.

3. We have been taking bus for a LONG~~ time during these two days.
     It's like suffering from a bus hell.

4. MSN is not available since I'm using the computer in the lobby.


To Little Dai,

I bought a city mug for u.

You r going to a your first Starbucks mug~

To Abby,

If there's anything u want me to buy for u, just leave me a msg.

I'm still hesitating if I should buy the black venti cup.

It's kinda elegant and cute.

- -

I'll try to get online everyday and check if there's any emergency.


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